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Disability and Neurodiversity Hub | Pfizer

Pfizer’s Disability Philosophy

As a premier pharmaceutical company, Pfizer benefits from a uniquely diverse workforce which includes strong disability and neurodiversity representation. Our mission has always been to draw from the best available talent pools, and we recognize the community of disabled and neurodiverse candidates as an invaluable source of this highly sought-after talent. Join us on our journey to build a more inclusive workforce.

Our Colleagues

In keeping with our mission to cultivate diversity, Pfizer prioritizes workplace practices that elevate the confidence and productivity of our neurodiverse and disabled coworkers – taking their skills, not weaknesses, into greatest consideration. Our colleagues find Pfizer to be a welcoming and accommodating environment, allowing them to thrive and build new skills with the help of support networks, colleague resource groups, and more.

Accommodations & Assistive Technology Colleagues at Pfizer have access to a variety of reasonable accommodations that we proudly keep up to date with ADA and professional standards. They are managed carefully to ensure that individual needs are met, and comfort is assured in the workplace. We have additionally integrated our systems with advanced assistive technology. These programs and tools enable greater accessibility to the websites, applications, and devices we support on a day-to-day basis.
Examples of Assistive Technology we offer:
  • Display:  Color filters, Immersive Reader. 
  • Voice Recognition: Dictate.
  • Applications: Read Aloud, MS Editor, Dragon Dictation, Microsoft 365 Suite
Additional information can be found in the Accommodations section.
Applying with a Disability and/or Neurodivergence What jobs are offered to disabled and neurodiverse applicants?All of them! Applicants are encouraged to apply for any position for which they are qualified.How can I apply?Join the Disability & Neurodiversity Talent Community
today to be added to our talent pipeline.
Do I have to specify my disability?No, you are not obligated to specify your disability, though it may aid us in providing the most effective accommodations. If you do choose to self-identify, it will not negatively affect your consideration.Who can I speak with to learn more?You can reach out to [email protected]
"Disability inclusion can only happen if the disability community has a seat at the table. The Disability Colleague Resource Group has been instrumental in driving and evolving the company’s disability inclusion strategy. I am proud of their efforts to give the disability community a voice and create an environment where everyone is supported and thrives." Ramcess Jean-Louis Global Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Officer
Accommodations and Adaptations Pfizer offers a multitude of accommodations and accessibility services to individuals living with disabilities and neurodivergence. We engage in thoughtful dialogue to find what best suits a person’s specific needs in both the application period and during employment. Some of our many accommodations and accessibility services are listed here. Note: This is not an exhaustive list.
  • Accessible Buildings
  • Accessible/Modified Devices
  • Adjustable Furniture
  • Dictation Software
  • Flexible Schedules
  • Mentorship
  • Modified Breaks
  • Private Workspaces
  • Remote Work
  • Screen Readers
  • Screen Tinting Filters
For questions or more detailed information, please reach out to [email protected].
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